Coach of the Year


The “Coach of the Year” award at the Beam Awards 2024 celebrates the exceptional mentors who have made a significant impact in the lives of individuals, teams, or organisations. This prestigious accolade recognises coaches who go beyond traditional coaching methods to inspire, transform, and lead their coachees towards achieving extraordinary results. Whether in sports, business, personal development, or any other field, the Coach of the Year is someone who embodies excellence, innovation, and a profound commitment to fostering growth and success.

SKU: coachoftheyear Category:


The “Coach of the Year” award at the Beam Awards 2024 celebrates the exceptional mentors who have made a significant impact in the lives of individuals, teams, or organisations. This prestigious accolade recognises coaches who go beyond traditional coaching methods to inspire, transform, and lead their coachees towards achieving extraordinary results. Whether in sports, business, personal development, or any other field, the Coach of the Year is someone who embodies excellence, innovation, and a profound commitment to fostering growth and success.

Ideal Candidate Profile:

  • Demonstrates innovative coaching techniques and methodologies.
  • Has a proven track record of significant impact on their coachees’ performance, growth, and achievement.
  • Exhibits outstanding leadership qualities and the ability to inspire and motivate.
    Commits to continuous personal and professional development.
  • Engages in community development or philanthropy through coaching.

Eligibility Criteria for Coach of the Year Category


  • Open to All Genders and Identities: We welcome nominations for coaches of any gender identity, including but not limited to male, female, and non-binary individuals. Our aim is to honour the excellence and impact of coaches across the entire spectrum of gender identities.
  • Field of Coaching: Nominees can be from any field of coaching, including sports, business, personal development, health and wellness, and beyond. We recognise the transformative power of coaching in various domains.
  • Professional Experience: Nominees should have a minimum of two years of professional coaching experience, demonstrating a commitment to their field and the success of their coachees.
  • Impact and Innovation: Applicants should have evidence of significant impact on their coachees’ lives, including examples of innovative coaching techniques, methodologies, or programs they have developed or implemented.
  • Leadership and Community Involvement: Nominees should exhibit outstanding leadership qualities within their coaching practice and/or have contributed to community development or philanthropy through their coaching skills.
  • Compliance with Ethical Standards: Applicants must adhere to the highest ethical standards in their coaching practice, with no history of ethical complaints or violations.

Beam Awards Submission Guidelines: Essential Criteria for Every Category

At Beam Awards, we believe in the power of storytelling and detailed representation of your business journey. To ensure fairness and consistency, we have set forth the following compulsory criteria for each category:

Compulsory Requirements for all applications for Beam Awards 2024

  • Australia Resident
  • Business must have an Australia Business Address
  • Must be over the age of 18
  • Must be in business for a minimum of 12 months (unless applying for Business Professional of the Year or Femme in the Field)
  • Must be able to attend the Beam Awards Gala on the 1st June 2024. If you think you maybe away or overseas or have a significant event on this date, please do not apply. We hope to have all the finalists in the room on the Gala Night. Presenting an award to the recipient makes for a more enjoyable experience for you and the guests in the room that come to see you win.


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